Add and Delete Users

Adding and Deleting Users from your Organization

Add Users

Add users to your Organization by following the steps below:

(1) Click on Settings in the sidebar

(2) Click on Users from the secondary navigation menu

(3) Click on Add Users on the top right corner

Here, fill in the following details to invite users into your Organization:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • User Type (Account Owner, User, Stakeholder)

(4) Click on the Send Invites button, on the bottom left, to invite these newly added users to your Organization

  • The invited user will receive an email for verification. Until the user has been successfully verified, you will notice an icon indicating that Verification Is Pending against that User.

  • You can choose to resend the verification email by clicking on the Verification Is Pending icon should that be necessary. Please ensure that you check not only your Inbox, but also Spam or Promotions folders to ensure the verification email ended up landing there.

Delete Users

Remove/delete users added to your Organization by following the steps below:

(1) Click on Settings in the sidebar

(2) Click on Users from the secondary navigation menu

(3) Click on the More Options icon and select Delete to delete the user

(4) If the user is part of any Team, a modal listing all the Teams that the user is a part of, appears as shown below

Users who are part of some team can’t be deleted. You’ll have to remove them from the team before deleting them.