Add and Remove Team Members

Adding or removing an existing Team member

This document will walk you through how you can add or remove members from a Team.

Add a Member to a Team

(1) Click on Settings in the sidebar

(2) Click on Teams from the secondary navigation menu and select the Team to which a new member needs to be added

(3) Click on Members from the horizontal menu and scroll down to the bottom of the page

(4) Click on Add New Members, select the member from the drop-down list and select the Team Roles

(5) Click on Add Members and confirm their addition into the Team

Remove a Member from a Team

(1) Click on Settings in the sidebar

(2) Click on Teams from the secondary navigation menu and select the Team from which the Team member has to be removed

(3) Click on Members from the horizontal menu and hover over the name of the Team member that needs to be removed

(4) Click on Remove via More Options corresponding to the concerned Team member & confirm Remove in the pop-up window to remove the member from the Team

(5) If the Team member to be removed is a part of any of the entities (Incidents, Escalation Policies, Schedules) that belong to the Team, a modal displaying those details will appear

(6) Now, select the Team member who will replace the one who is being removed using the available drop-down

Important: For incidents, there are 2 options:

  • If the checkbox is left unchecked, all the incidents assigned to the member being removed will be reassigned to the replacing Team member. The replacing Team member will receive one Email notification notifying them of the incidents that are now assigned to them
  • If the checkbox is checked, all the open incidents (incidents in the Triggered and Acknowledged states) assigned to the member being removed will be suppressed

(7) Once the appropriate replacement Team member is selected and an action for incidents is determined, click on Swap & Remove

(8) A success modal confirming the swap will appear, like in the screenshot below

In addition to this, if a user also needs to be deleted from the Organization, please follow the steps here to do so.