Incident Notes

Share notes and collaborate with your team during incident resolution

Incident Notes enable you to add important notes for you and your team that can help mitigate an incident faster.

You can use this to:

  • Collaborate with your team and resolve the incident
  • Use it to store important pointers that will help with the mitigation
  • Use it to store Notes that can be populated in the Postmortem report
  • Share Team-wide information like resolution reason, follow-up tasks, etc.


  • Only verified users would be receiving any kind of notifications from Squadcast
  • For receiving Push notifications, users should have the latest version of the Squadcast mobile app installed

To get started

First, select the Team from the team picker on the top.

(1) Click on either Dashboard or Incidents from the sidebar

(2) Open an incident to view the Incident Details

Mentioning Users, Squads and Teams in Notes.

  • Users can callout other users using the “@” symbol for important notes. This can also be used to inform users of a specific need, information or as a means to notify your Stakeholders on information pertaining to the status of an ongoing incident
  • Users can also notify all the members of a particular Squad or a Team by “@” mentioning the Squad or the Team name

  • Users who are currently on-call are indicated with a green dot against their name. In the above screenshot, you can see that Diane Nyugen is currently on-call

  • The mentioned Users, Squad or Team members will get notified instantly via Email and Push notification on the Squadcast mobile app. However, the author of the note will not get notified even when they are self mentioned or belong to a mentioned Squad or Team

Adding Images

  • Incident Notes support Markdown text format. Hence, images can be added as URLs or links

Adding Images to a Note

You can use the below syntax to add an image:


Editing or Deleting a Note

  • One can Edit or Delete existing notes as well by clicking on the More icon corresponding to a particular note which would appear on hovering over the note

Starring and Un-starring Notes

  • Star important notes by clicking on the Star icon as shown in the screenshot above beside the More option

  • When you have a bulk of Notes and want to simply take a look at all the important, Starred Notes, you can do so by clicking on View Starred Notes

  • To un-star, click on the Star icon for that note

  • Starred notes would be captured in the Incident Activity Timeline. Clicking on the starred note activity in the Incident Activity Timeline will take you to that specific note in the Incident Notes section

Adding Attachments

You can add a variety of file types as an attachment in the Notes section for an incident.

To attach a file, drag and drop the file to the markdown editor. You can also copy-paste the file directly in the markdown editor.

The maximum size for a single single file is 10 MB (for upload). You can upload a maximum of 5 files at a time.

The storage limit for an organization depends on the plan:

  • For Free plan - the limit is 50 MB
  • For Pro and Enterprise plans - the limit is unlimited

File uploads won’t work if the plan limit has been reached. File once uploaded cannot be deleted.

The supported file types are:

  • Images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg)
  • Word Processors (.doc, .docx, .odt, pages)
  • Spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, numbers)
  • PDFs (.pdf)
  • Presentations (.ppt, .pptx. .odp)
  • Miscellaneous (.log, .txt, .odv, .csv, key, json, log)


(1) What actions can be taken by the different User Types?

  • Note Creation: Any user can add a note
  • Note Updation: Only the author of the note can update it
  • Note Deletion: Only the author of the note can delete it
  • Note Starring and Un-starring: Any user can star/un-star any note

(2) Can I add and star notes from the Squadcast mobile app?

Yes, users can add, edit, delete, star and unstar notes for an incident from the Squadcast mobile app.

To do so:

  • Login to your Organization on the Squadcast mobile app, choose your Team and open an incident

  • “@” mention a user and/or add notes

  • A long press on a note authored by you will give you an option to star, un-star, edit and delete it. A long press on a note authored by others will give you an option to only star, un-star it

  • View only starred notes by switching to Starred Notes tab

(3) Can I call Stakeholders in the Notes section and notify them?

Yes, you can “@” mention Stakeholders and they would be notified for the note via Email and Push.