
Send ticket details to Squadcast from ServiceNow

This document will help you integrate ServiceNow with Squadcast.

ServiceNow transforms your business with digital IT workflows by modernizing your operations to optimize productivity, cost, and resilience with a single platform for IT.

Route detailed ticket alerts from ServiceNow to the right users in Squadcast.

How to integrate ServiceNow with Squadcast

In Squadcast: Using ServiceNow as an Alert Source

(1) From the navigation bar on the left, select Services. Pick the applicable Team from the Team-picker on the top. Next, click on Alert Sources for the applicable Service

(2) Search for ServiceNow from the Alert Source drop-down menu and copy the Webhook

In ServiceNow: Create a Squadcast Webhook

(1) Download the servicenow.js file

(2) Navigate to the filter box and search for Business Rules. Click on System Definition > Business Rules

(3) Click on New

(4) Provide any suitable Name, select Incident in the drop-down and check the Advanced option

(5) Navigate to when to run and fill the form as shown in the screenshot below

(6) Paste the previously downloaded and copied snippet into the Script text box

(7) Replace <Squadcast Webhook URL> with the previously copied Webhook URL and click on Submit

That is it, you are now good to go! Whenever a ticket is created with the New status, an incident will be created in Squadcast for it. When the ticket is moved to Resolved, Closed or Deleted status in ServiceNow, the corresponding incident will automatically get resolved in Squadcast as well.