
Analytics for measuring your Team's performance

The Analytics Dashboard helps you analyze the performance of your Organization/ Team, for a given time period.

Team Level Analytics

Select the appropriate Team from the Team picker on the top left.

  1. Click on Analytics in the sidebar
  2. By default, the selected time range is the last 30 days

You can select a custom time range using the utility on the top right corner of the page, to select and apply a time range for Analytics data consumption.

In Team Analytics, you can see many components:

Component Description
Incidents Total incidents of the team
MTTA Mean Time To Acknowledge shows how quickly your team is able to respond to an incident. This is calculated by their time to Acknowledge an incident
MTTR Mean Time To Resolve shows how quickly your team is able to resolve incidents as they arise. This is calculated by their time to Resolve an incident
MTTA & MTTR over time Image here shows the MTTA & MTTR over time for applied filters i.e Service:API and Tag:Alert type: Anomaly
Open Incidents by Service Service level filter of total number of open incidents (Triggered & Acknowledged)
Open Incidents by Users User level filter of total number of open incidents
Deduplicated Incidents by Service Service level filter of total number of deduplicated incidents
Deduplicated Incidents by Alert Sources Alert Source specific split of total number of deduplicated incidents
Suppressed Incidents by Service Service level split of total number of suppressed incidents
Suppressed Incidents Alert Sources Alert Source specific split of total number of suppressed incidents
Reassigned Incidents by Team Team level split of total number of reassigned incidents

Organization Level Analytics

A user with Org Level Analytics can view the performance of the entire Organization, irrespective of whether you’re a part of a specific team. Organization Analytics Permission gives you the ability to access analytics for all the teams as a collective, but not individual team analytics for the teams they are not a part of.

To view Organization Level Analytics, select the appropriate Organization from the top left corner of your screen.

  1. Click on Analytics in the sidebar
  2. By default, the selected time range is the last 30 days

You can select a custom time range using the utility on the top right corner of the page, to select and apply a time range for Analytics data consumption.

In Organization Analytics, you can see many components:

Component Description
Incidents Total incident count of the Organization
MTTA Mean Time to Acknowledge shows the average amount of time between a system alert and a team member acknowledging it, for the entire Organization, over a specified period of time
MTTR Mean Time to Resolution shows the average amount of time it takes to respond to or resolve an incident, for the entire Organization, over a specified period of time
MTTA & MTTR over time
Open Incidents by Team Team level split of total number of open incidents
Deduplicated Incidents by Team Team level split of total number of deduplicated incidents
Suppressed Incidents by Team Team level split of total number of suppressed incidents


Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below that might help you fix any issues/answer your queries.

1. What permission do I need to view Organization Analytics?

You need to have the Organization Analytics Permission to view the Organization Analytics Dashboard.

2. Can I view any Team’s performance if I have the Organization Analytics permission?

Organization Analytics Permission gives you the ability to access analytics for all the teams as a collective, but not individual team analytics for the teams they are not a part of.

3. Can I select multiple Services, Tags or Users to filter out Team’s performance?

No, multiselect is not permitted for any Service, Tags or Users filter today. You can only select one of each, at a time.

4. Can I select Service, Tags and Users together to filter out Team’s performance?

Yes, you can select one of each, Services, Tags and Users together to filter out Team’s performance.

5. Do I need to be a part of the Team to view their Team Analytics Dashboard?

Yes, you need to be a part of a Team to view their individual Team Analytics Dashboard.