Notification Rules

Notification rules define how and when you are notified when an incident is assigned to you

Notification Rules determine how an individual user is notified for an incident that is assigned to them. One can set up rules to be notified on any of the following notification channels:

Edit Notification Rules

(1) Click on the user icon in the upper right corner and select Profile

(2) You will be taken into the My Profile section where you can see the User Details on the left and the Notification Rules on the right. Click on the Edit button to edit the rules

(3) Choose the medium from the drop-down and enter the amount of time after the incident trigger when you wish to get notified

(4) You can also add new rules by clicking Add More Rules at the bottom

(5) Select Save after making changes to save the configuration

You’re good to go. Now, when an incident is assigned to you, you will be notified based on your notification preferences set in the Notification Rules section.