ManageEngine Opmanager

Send alerts from ManageEngine OpManager to Squadcast

This document will help you integrate ManageEngine OpManager with Squadcast.

ManageEngine OpManager is an end-to-end network management software for heterogeneous, multi-vendor enterprise IT networks. Route detailed alerts from ManageEngine OpManager to the right users in Squadcast.

How to integrate OpManager with Squadcast

In Squadcast: Using ManageEngine OpManager as an Alert Source

(1) From the navigation bar on the left, select Services. Pick the applicable Team from the Team-picker on the top. Next, click on Alert Sources for the applicable Service

(2) Search for ManageEnginer OpManager from the Alert Source drop-down and copy the Webhook URL

In ManageEngine OpManager: Create a Squadcast webhook (Setup guide for ManageEngine OpManager running on a Linux machine)

(1) In /opmanager/bin folder, run the following command

sudo wget

(2) Once the file is downloaded, kindly ensure that the file has executable permissions for your OpManager user. If not, you will have to provide the same using the following command

sudo chmod +x

(3) To add a Notification Profile, go to Settings tab > Notifications > Add Profile

(4) Select Run Program.

(5) (a) In Command Name, paste the following


(5) (b) In Program Arguments paste the following

"<COPIED_WEBHOOK_URL_FROM_SQUADCAST>" "$alarmid" "$message" "$displayName" "$category" "$stringseverity" "IP Address:$DeviceField(ipAddress)" "$strModTime" "$eventType"  "Entity: $entity"

(5) (c) Click on Next

(6) Choose the appropriate criteria for which alerts should be generated and click on Next

(7) Select the devices for which this particular Notification Profile should be applied and click on Next

(8) Define additional custom settings for this profile as per your preferences and click on Next

(9) Give the profile a name, click on Test Action to generate a test alert. Verify that a test incident was created in Squadcast for the same

(10) Once you have verified this, click on Save to save this profile

In ManageEngine OpManager: Create a Squadcast webhook (Setup guide for ManageEngine OpManager running on a Windows machine)

(1) Download the latest version of Python3 in your system. Make note of the absolute path of where your python.exe file is stored

(2) Open the URL given below in a browser and copy the contents of this file into a file locally on your system and name the file Make note of the absolute path of where is stored

(3) To add a Notification Profile, go to Settings tab > Notifications > Add Profile

(4) Select Run Program.

(5) (a) In Command Name, paste the absolute path to python.exe

(5) (b) In Program Arguments, paste the absolute path to, followed by the copied webhook URL from Squadcast, followed by the parameters

<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SCRIPT> <COPIED_WEBHOOK_URL_FROM_SQUADCAST>  "$alarmid"  "$message"  "$displayName"  "$category"  "$stringseverity"  "$DeviceField(ipAddress)"  "$strModTime"  "$eventType"  "$entity"

(5) (c) Click on Next

(6) Choose the appropriate criteria for which alerts should be generated and click on Next

(7) Select the devices for which this particular Notification Profile should be applied and click on Next

(8) Define additional custom settings for this profile as per your preferences and click on Next

(9) Give the profile a name, click on Test Action to generate a test alert. Verify that a test incident was created in Squadcast for the same

(10) Once you have verified this, click on Save to save this profile

That is it, you are now good to go!

Whenever OpManager sends an alert, an incident will be created in Squadcast for it. When the alert recovers in OpManager, the corresponding incident will automatically get resolved in Squadcast as well.

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