
Get alerts from Site24x7 (a service by Zoho Corp) into Squadcast


  1. A valid Squadcast cloud subscription
  2. A user account in Zoho’s Site24x7

Follow the steps below to configure a service so as to push related alert data from Site24x7 onto Squadcast.

Squadcast will then process this information to create incidents for this service as per your preferences.

Using Site24x7 as an Alert Source

(1) From the navigation bar on the left, select Services. Pick the applicable Team from the Team-picker on the top. Next, click on Alert Sources for the applicable Service

(2) Search for Site24x7 from the Alert Source drop-down and copy the Webhook URL

Next, head over to your Site24x7 dashboard and set up a Webhook based integration.

You will next be greeted by the Webhooks Integration configuration page. Paste the previously copied Webhook URL into the Hook URL field.

Scroll down to configure all other necessary details.

Click on Save and you’re pretty much done with the configuration.

You can now start using this integration with Monitors that you might have set up in Site24x7.

Now, whenever any Site24x7 Monitor reports “STATUS” as DOWN, an incident will be triggered in Squadcast . Once this “STATUS” goes back to UP, it will automatically be resolved in Squadcast.