Create & Manage Escalation Policies

Define rules indicating when and how alerts will escalate to various Users, Squads and (or) Schedules within your Organization

Escalation Policies ensure that the right people are notified at the right time. Incident notifications can be configured to escalate to Users, Squads or Schedules in a given order and time. You can create different Escalation Policies for different Services.


  • The User Role for the user in the Team must have the necessary permissions in order to manage Escalation Policies.

Creating an Escalation Policy

Ensure that the right Team is selected used the team picker at the top of the screen.

(1) Click on Escalation Policies from the navigation sidebar

(2) Click on Add Escalation Policy to create one from scratch

(3) Give the Escalation Policy a Name and an optional Description

(4) Add Users, Squads or Schedules as recipients of notifications at any level of the Escalation Policy

(5) Enter the appropriate time for Escalate After, giving enough notice for your recipients to acknowledge the alert after which it will escalate to the next level (if defined)

(6) There are two ways to add the medium of notification under Notification Rules:

From the dropdown, you can select either Personal or Custom

(a) Custom - As an Admin, you can select one or more of the available notification channels (Email, Push, SMS and Phone) to explicitly specify the channel via which the mapped users need to receive the incident notifications

(b) Personal Notification Rules - Allow users to set-up their preferred medium of notification for incidents

(7) Use Add Rule to add a new Escalation Rule (layer of escalation) in the policy

(8) Actions For Unacknowledged Incidents

Repeat the entire policy if no one acknowledges the incident even after the Escalation Policy has been executed fully once

(9) For unresolved incidents

(a) Send acknowledgement reminder helps set up re-notification to work as reminders for users to resolve an incident.

On someone acknowledging an incident, that user will start receiving periodic reminders as set up, for a maximum of 48 hours since the time of acknowledgement.

To set reminder rules for re-notification,

Navigate to Escalation Policy -> Edit -> check For unresolved incidents send acknowledgement reminder every -> Enter time (in hours), along with mode of notification -> click Save

To edit reminder rules for re-notification,

Go to Escalation Policy -> Edit -> Goto For unresolved incidents send acknowledgement reminder every -> Edit the time (in hours), along with mode of notification -> click Save

(b) Set rule to re-trigger an unresolved incident

You can also set a rule to re-trigger an incident if it not resolved until a certain period of time.

When an incident comes in, whether it was acknowledged or not, if it not resolved until a certain period of time, enabling this rule with a time will let the system decide if this incident needs to be re-triggered.

If the incident is re-triggered, it will be assigned to the latest escalation policy that it was assigned to previously.

This rule will specify when your incident will be re-triggered, from the time of the first trigger.

(10) Click on Save to save and view the Escalation Policy

Editing/Deleting an Escalation Policy

(1) To edit an existing Escalation Policy, click on More Options for that particular Escalation Policy

(2) Choose Edit to modify the existing Escalation Policy or Delete to delete the Escalation Policy entirely

(3) After modifying the Escalation Policy, click on Save


(1) Can I add members from different Teams into an Escalation Policy for my Team?

No, adding members from across Teams into an Escalation Policy is not allowed. Any member that needs to be added in the Escalation Policy for a Team must be a part of the same Team.

(2) Is there a way to introduce Round Robin assignment of incidents to different entities within an escalation level?

Yes, please refer to the documentation here