
Send events to Squadcast from Loggly

Follow the steps below to configure a service so as to extract its related alert data from Loggly. Squadcast will then process this information to create incidents for this service as per your preferences.

Using Loggly as an Alert Source in Squadcast

(1) From the navigation bar on the left, select Services. Pick the applicable Team from the Team-picker on the top. Next, click on Alert Sources for the applicable Service

(2) Search for Loggly from the Alert Source drop-down and copy the Webhook URL

Setting up a Squadcast Webhook in Loggly

Now log in to your Loggly account and click on “Alerts”.

On the alerts page click on “Alert Endpoints” and then click on “Create Endpoint

Select the type as “HTTP Endpoint”, method as “POST” and enter the URL obtained earlier.

Enter the appropriate name and description for your endpoint and click on Save.

Now you can use this alert endpoint in any of yours alert configuration. Every time here an alert is triggered you will get a corresponding incident in squadcast.

That’s it :) your loggly integration is now good to go!!!!