Filter Incidents

Filter Incidents

Filter Incidents by different parameters like Date & Time of creation, affected Services, Alert Sources, to whom an incident was Assigned To or custom Tags associated with the incidents.

Getting Started

First, select the Team from the team picker on the top

(1) Click on Incidents on the sidebar

(2) Click on Add Filter to customize your incident list by applying multiple filters

(3) The filters that are available at the moment are:

  • Date & Time
  • Service
  • Alert Source
  • Assigned To
  • Tags
  • Status
  • Postmortem

Date & Time

This filter allows you to filter down incidents to a specific time range. By default, the incidents within the last 30 days are displayed. Change the filter by choosing a different option.

Custom Range

This option allows you to give a custom time range within which you would like to view your incidents. Here, you can also select the exact time with which you would like to filter by.

Note: You will be limited to choose the custom time range here based on the plan that you are currently on (data retention by the plan).


Filter incidents by Services.

You can choose to filter by multiple Services, so use the checkbox to select all the Services. You can also use the search box to narrow down your options.

Alert Source

Filter incidents by Alert Sources.

You can choose to filter by multiple Alert Sources, so use the checkbox to select all the Alert Sources. You can also use the search box to narrow down your options.

Assigned To

Filter incidents by the Users, Squads or Escalation Policies using this filter.

You can choose to filter by multiple values, so use the checkbox to select all the values. You can also use the search box to narrow down your options.


Filter Incidents by Tags.

  • In order to filter by Tags, first select the key.

  • Then select the value of the Tag. You can use the search box to narrow down your options.

Note: When you are not filtering by any Services, tags across all the Services will be displayed. To narrow down your Tags by Service, make sure to apply the Service filter first.

Search for Custom Tags

If you are unable to find the option you want to filter by, then you can input custom values for Tag search. In order to do so, enter the custom key / value and click on the + icon to add the custom Tag filter.

Add / Delete Multiple Tag Filters

To add a new Tag filter, open the tags filter and click on the + new tag button, and select the key and value of the new Tag.

To delete a Tag filter, click on the cross button of the corresponding Tag.


Filter Incident by Incident Status.

Select the Statuses of your choice to filter out incidents by statuses.


Filter incidents by checking for the presence or absence of a Postmortem being created and associated with them. Select the options Included or Excluded accordingly after selecting the Postmortem option from the filter drop-down.